

Code, Documentation and Screenshots

I created a 3D game that simulates the popular tabletop game, Carrom. The game features simple physics and collision detection, and gameplay rules. I used the OpenGL API to create the game's graphics, which includes lighting, textures, blending and a user-controlled orbit camera system

This 3D version was an extension of the original 2D game that I had programmed for first year "Intro. to Computer Programming" course.

Simple Raytracer 

Code and Screenshots

I implemented a simple ray tracing program in C++ using Peter Shirley's book and some online resources as guides. The raytracer features ray generation, ray-object intersection, materials, and simple diffuse shading. 

The screenshot on the right was the output generated for a scene containing a blue sphere and a white light placed above and behind the camera.


Code, Documentation and Screenshots

I created a 2D version of the popular computer game, snake. This version was aimed towards efficiency by using a linked list to represent the snake and displacing only a single block at a time.