Deep Recesses

When wind crosses your path, it steals a part of your soul; Blowing into itself, it lets your entity ride through it before losing it to an oblivion of other entities, each wafting through the air, expanding every moment into uncharted territories. Sometimes, however, wind is kind enough to let someone else pick you up back.

He had caught her essence in one such moment. It mesmerised him, making him incapable of anything but gazing into nothing. He caught a slight glimpse, however, as she disappeared round the corner. An anger boiled through him, a bubbling wrath against everything that stood between him and her existence. The barriers weren't scant, either. He knew he had to push through each and every one of them.

He didn't care about the irritated mutterings he received on his way; He didn't even notice the endless stream of curses hurled at him like stones thrown by a mob. It didn't matter to him if he hurt someone on his way. All he knew was that he wanted a whiff of her again, and again, and again into eternity. And then he saw it: A leg, disappearing back into the murky mix of people and things. It occupied him; His very soul squirmed to be free from it. He laughed at the irony: He didn't want to.

It made him push harder. Enter into a state of frenzied pursuit. It drove him almost mad. He couldn't resist it any longer. And then he succeeded. There she was, right ahead of him, in her completeness. Relief and joy trickled down him as he reveled at the sight. Something within him stood tame, like a hungry baby suckling.

He made to go a step further.

The world around him began to crumble, recede into its own empty hollows. Everything began to fade into nothing. Time's flow reduced to a trickle. She faded away from him, dissolving into everything that was slowly turning into nothing. He made to shout, but his mind had reduced to a crawl. His consciousness, however, had not.

The speaker stopped blaring. His one hand extended to the Play button; The other towards the next shot of Tequila. Soon, he was back into the crowd, and a delicious smell caught his identity. Only this time, it was a bit more familiar, and yet much more faded...